Individual Therapy

Are you having a difficult time handling the struggles in your life?

Could you use an expert perspective on what you’re going through, or a non-judgmental ear just to listen?

Do you think you could benefit the most from individualized attention?

Are you hesitant to talk to others about your problems?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then individual therapy could be the solution you’ve been seeking. Individual therapy differs from group or alternative therapy methods in the way that you are the sole focus of a single therapist who helps you develop and achieve your goals for therapy.

If you’ve been feeling hopeless or lost lately, or struggling with a problem in your life that feels unsurmountable, individual therapy could help you improve your everyday life. Individual therapy helps you win against whatever you’re battling by putting a real expert in your corner by means of a professional therapist.

So if any of these sound like you…

  • You keep worrying about the same problem over and over
  • You don’t know who you could ever trust with knowing about your secret struggle
  • You wish there was somebody who could tell you why you feel this way
  • You’re interested in therapy, but you don’t want to give up total control
  • Other areas of your life are being negatively impacted by your struggle
  • You need somebody to listen to you and your feelings for once
  • You’re interested in therapy, but not sure how it could fit into your life

…Then individual therapy could be right for you.

Individual therapy is so helpful for so many people because it’s the best way to get truly customized therapy. If you want more control over the pacing of your therapy, the methods used, the amount of analysis or feedback you can receive, and the timing of your sessions, you owe it to yourself to look into individual therapy.

If you’re looking for help in improving your everyday life – or for a more tailored therapy experience – you would be a great fit for our individual therapy services. Please reach out to me today for an assessment for individual therapy or to schedule your first appointment.

What our clients have to say

“I was overwhelmed trying to balance being a mother, wife and working full-time. I started to get depressed which caused me to not perform as I should in many different areas of my life. Ms. Akilah provided a safe, non-judgmental space for me to express myself. I appreciate her being such a good listener. She assisted me with coping with my depression and getting order back in my life.”

“My son was having difficulty in school. I was constantly getting calls and emails about his behavior. His school referred me to call Ms. Akilah. Reaching out to her was one of the best decisions I’ve made. My son is more open about his feelings and some of the difficulties he was facing as a teenager. Now things have improved so much at home and school!”

“I am a foster to parent to 2 siblings to which were removed from their homes due to abuse and neglect. Both siblings have anger issues, difficulty with following rules, lack motivation and challenges academically. They’ve been in therapy for several months with Ms. Sabir. It hasn’t been an easy transition; however, I have started to see positive changes in their attitudes, behavior and willingness to listen. They are more focused in school and one of them is now interested in playing sports. I am pleased with the level of progress made so far.”

Reach out to us today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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Individual Therapy