Children/Teen Counseling

5-12 years old

Children don’t always know how to express how they feel. As a result, they will express their emotions through various behaviors. Children that have challenges with expressing how they feel can have difficulty with adapting healthy social skills, exhibit difficulty in the school setting, have frequent stomachaches and headaches or/and having difficultly managing their anger. However, when taught how to understand and express their emotions effectively, it often has a positive impact on their lives. I will assist your child with implementing healthy coping strategies and communication skills, talk through feelings and explore problem-solving skills. Praise and support will be given as your child learns. Therapy can help them believe in themselves and find their strengths!

13-18 years old

Is your teen under a lot of stress? Do they not seem as happy as they once did? Is your teen having difficulty managing their anger? Are they having trouble focusing and staying on task?

During this time our hormone levels are skyrocketing, making them feel emotionally out of control. We also feel a greater need to perform well academically and fit into social circles. All of this stress can take its toll on a teen’s mental health and overall well-being. Teen Counseling can help improve the teen’s mood, self-worth, confidence and enhance their self-esteem

Common Life Challenges Among Children and Teens:


Loss can come in the form of a death of a loved one, including a pet, and it can also come in the form of parental separation or divorce. Loss also happens when a family moves to a new location and the teen must go to a new school.


A little stress is normal in life and can even be motivating. But too much stress can cause burnout at any age. Many teens face tremendous amounts of stress to do well in school, hold down a job, and be accepted by their peers.


Children and Teens that are bullied at school or at home suffer, and often alone. If not dealt with, the aftermath of violence can result in PTSD symptoms.

Body Image

During the transition from childhood to adulthood, bodies are changing into new shapes and sizes. Teens need to come to terms with their bodies and be comfortable in their own skin.

Peer Pressure

While peer pressure isn’t a new issue, social media makes the need for acceptance even greater. More children are being pressured into behaviors that they may not be comfortable with.

This is not an exhaustive list of reasons why your child may want to speak with a therapist by any means. If you think your child could benefit from therapy, please reach out to me.


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